Nanaimo Chiropractors

Welcome to the Nanaimo Chiropractors blog of The Lifehouse Chiropractic Studio and Dr. Norm Detillieux, Chiropractor in Nanaimo, BC

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nutrition for Our Brain ~ The Beacon for Aug. 3, 2011

Today we have a special article from Dr. Arno Burnier, a chiropractor we will be fortunate to have speaking here in Nanaimo in the fall.  Stay tuned for details.  Until then - Enjoy!


The only difference between living Homo sapiens and corpses is the presence of Life energy.
Are we sick because we have cancer or do we develop cancer because we are sick in the first place?
Every second of our lives 100,000 chemical reactions take place in our brain. Mind boggling, isn’t it?
When fever rises to 103 degrees and above, our body manufactures Interferon the most potent anti-cancer chemical we know of today. Maybe aspirin is not such a good idea!

The human brain generates 25 watts of life energy in a constant manner. This bioenergy flows over through nerves to every tissue cell in the body.

Health and disease are the antipodal manifestation of wellness. Health is a message to act. Disease is a message to change.

Biological healing is cellular replacement. Skin cells live seven days. Heart cells ninety days. Red blood cells one hundred and twenty days. Bone cells thirty-six months. Spinal disc cells 9 months. Healing takes time!

We pray to the Maker but when it is time to have an appointment with God nobody wants to go. Put yourself in His/her shoes….That’s a hell of a rejection. Death is not the problem. Not being fully alive while living may be the problem!

Once we stop fearing death, we can start living. Death is birth in reverse. Was it so bad?

Health is a lot more than the absence of symptoms.
Spinal adjustments add life to years and years of life.
Symptoms are physical emotions. They should be expressed rather than suppressed.
Touch is the language of love. All I want to do is help you get well and stay well. I need the same trust you placed in medication and medicine. Give me as much of a chance and as much time.

Thank you.
Arno Burnier, D.C.


Part 7 - Optimal Health Essentials posted - "Why the Spine is so Important - Part Two"

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