There is a community of people who are coming together to help support the long term well-being and thrival of The Bethlehem Retreat Centre called the Friends of BRC. We have embarked on a membership and pledge fundraising campaign called "Bethlehem Alive", April 24th, 25th and 26th.
You can help our cause by sharing and inviting your friends and family, co-workers and neighbours to the following events and offering them ways to contribute and help out.
1) Consider donating a Silent Auction item (see attachment Business Support Letter)

Business support letter
2) Like our Facebook page and share it with your online community -
3) Come to our upcoming Bethlehem Alive Kick Off Event (orientation for volunteers, supporters & ambassadors)-
Thurs. April 16th - 7-9 PM at the Chapel at BRC (2371 Arbot Rd) events/746270002157576/
4) Attend our Gala (Friday, April 24th - 7:30 PM) events/1417152365261400/
5) Attend our Showcase Extravaganza -
Saturday 3:45pm-9ish pm
Sunday 7:30am-6:30pm events/868069406582668/
6) Please forward this to your friend and your mailing list, we very much appreciate you and your presence in Nanaimo.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Thurs (23rd) - Adv Talk: "Season of Transform" - 7-9 PM, $20
Rotary Field House, Serauxman field - entrance off Jingle Pot Rd
Mon (27th) - Health Essentials - 7-8 PM, free
5th Annual 30 day - Innate Intensive - starting May 7th, stay tuned for more details....
& "Like" us on Facebook to stay up to date.
Bethlehem Alive
- Friday Gala Evening
- Saturday & Sunday Showcase Extravaganza
There is a community of people who are coming together to help support the long term well-being and thrival of The Bethlehem Retreat Centre called the Friends of BRC. We have embarked on a membership and pledge fundraising campaign called "Bethlehem Alive", April 24th, 25th and 26th.
You can help our cause by sharing and inviting your friends and family, co-workers and neighbours to the following events and offering them ways to contribute and help out.
1) Consider donating a Silent Auction item (see attachment Business Support Letter)

Business support letter
2) Like our Facebook page and share it with your online community -
3) Come to our upcoming Bethlehem Alive Kick Off Event (orientation for volunteers, supporters & ambassadors)-
Thurs. April 16th - 7-9 PM at the Chapel at BRC (2371 Arbot Rd)
4) Attend our Gala (Friday, April 24th - 7:30 PM)
5) Attend our Showcase Extravaganza -
Saturday 3:45pm-9ish pm
Sunday 7:30am-6:30pm
6) Please forward this to your friend and your mailing list, we very much appreciate you and your presence in Nanaimo.
April Upcoming Events at the Lifehouse
Mon (20th) - Health Essentials - 7-8 PM, free
Introducing you to core concepts and health foundations for new clients, guests and all those who want to
Mon (20th) - Health Essentials - 7-8 PM, free
Introducing you to core concepts and health foundations for new clients, guests and all those who want to
Thurs (23rd) - Adv Talk: "Season of Transform" - 7-9 PM, $20
Rotary Field House, Serauxman field - entrance off Jingle Pot Rd
Mon (27th) - Health Essentials - 7-8 PM, free
5th Annual 30 day - Innate Intensive - starting May 7th, stay tuned for more details....
& "Like" us on Facebook to stay up to date.

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