- Dr. Donald Epstein
This May we are embarking on our 4th annual Innate Intensive. Imagine what would happen in your life if you dedicated 30 days to connect and trust your power within. We have seen people find new jobs, relationships mend,and many healings occur. Participants will focus an hour a day of a combination of journaling, meditation and SRI. This year we are adding a deeper layer to the program as we will be exploring the Triad of Change throughout the program. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Triad of Change (developed by Dr. Donny Epstein) it is a powerful interactive mandala with three primary aspects, namely structure, perception and behaviour. As one consciously works with these three aspects they gain insight on what their recipe of success is, how you do you, and change becomes successful and sustainable.
We will be offering a free intro talk to the Triad of Change on Thursday May 1st at 7PM;
please sign up in advance as this talk will fill up fast.
Have a great week mastering you!
Dr. Norm
Innate Intensive
Starting Thursday, May 1st, 2014 7:00 PM
What would shift in your life if you trusted the power within? 30 Day Innate Intensive—building strategies & resources to help you tune in and hear Innate messages. Cultivate, nourish and expand your inner wisdom, knowing and trust of yourself within a health conscious community. For thirty days take 20minutes to meditate, 20 minutes to journal and 20 minutes of SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration) along with chiropractic entrainments (as per your current recommendations) to tune into your inner wisdom.
True growth happens from the inside out and that's just what you will do.
Innate Intensive Event Dates
Thurs. 1st—Innate Intensive Kick-off & Triad of Change talk
Thurs. 8th—Perception: Journaling
Thurs. 15th—Structure: Meditation
Thurs. 22nd—Behaviour: SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration)
Thurs. 29th—Innate Intensive Celebration Start time 7 pm
Registration includes attendance to all 4 workshops, an Innate Intensive Journal and the completion party.
Create meaningful relationships with our conscious community, be supported by an interactive structure to keep you focused on what matters most to you.
Call 250 740 0333 to reserve your seat
(Innate Intensive Registration $75)
Check out http://www.lifehousechiro.blogspot.com/ for more information

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