About a year later my dad had a serious back injury which left him bed ridden and scheduled for surgery. Luckily someone suggested that he see a chiropractor and the rest is history. The chiropractor helped him heal and regain his strong back.
As my dad was healing, the effects of my subluxations were compiling. Although I outgrew my colic, the subluxations in my low back still existed which meant that the connection between my brain and my body was interfered with. This left my legs weak and uncoordinated as the same nerves that innervated my tummy also innervated the muscles in my legs. I began crawling the best I could by pulling myself around on my hands with my legs following limply behind me. As many of you know, crawling is an important developmental period for the neurological development of all children. Unfortunately my dad’s chiropractor never suggested that he check the whole family for subluxations. I often wonder how different my life would be had the

Of course there is a blessing in my story as it has deeply engrained within me the importance of chiropractic for all people especially children. If we want to support our children, allowing them the opportunity of growing up in a healthy body, developing to their full potential, a clear spine and nervous system is paramount. I will say what should have been said to my father years ago, “I encourage you to have your whole family checked for subluxations to ensure their optimal health.”
Yours in service
Dr. Norm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upcoming Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, June 28th - 7-8 pm
Complimentary Health Essentials talk
Thursday, July 12th - 7-8 pm
Complimentary Health Essentials talk
Call 250-740-0333 to reserve a seat for you & a friend.
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