Dr. Fabrizio Mancini appears on popular daytime talk show to discuss chiropractic and the power of self-healing.
On the morning of Feb. 23, 2012, history was made when Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, president of Parker University, was filmed for an episode of the "Dr. Phil" show at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, Calif.The segment, which is scheduled to air on March 14, began with Dr. Phil introducing Dr. Mancini as his chiropractor for 14 years and author of the book The Power of Self-Healing: Unlock Your Natural Healing Potential in 21 Days! This introduction set the stage for Dr. Mancini to talk about his book and the concepts of chiropractic. He stated that "the only way to truly fulfill your life potential is to fulfill your health potential." Dr. Mancini added that the difference between chiropractic and what he called the "sick care system" in the U.S. is that "we see patients as [people, not just diseases]."
Dr. Phil reinforced this notion, telling viewers, "I recieved chiropractic adjustments from you [Dr. Mancini] 2 or 3 times a week." He went on to introduce his current personal chiropractor in Los Angeles, Dr. Patrick DeFazio, who was given an opportunity to talk more about chiropractic and how it can help relieve stresses on the body.
The show took an interesting turn when a man named Joe was introduced
and came out in a wheelchair. Joe was only 5 years old when a drunk driver
crashed into the family car, killing his father and sister, leaving both his
legs paralyzed. It was clear that Joe was still very hurt and angry about the
accident, particularly toward the woman who had caused him and his family so
much pain.
As the show wound down, Dr. Phil thanked both Dr. Mancini and Dr. DeFazio for taking care of him over the years. He then thanked the audience and let them know they would each receive a copy of Dr. Mancini's book, which elicited a huge cheer from the audience.
Mancini outlines core elements of self-healing - physical, emotional and
spiritual - on the "Dr. Phil" show. After the show, a number of
people working on the set asked about how to find a local chiropractor or remarked
how much they had learned about the value of chiropractic. This was in addition
to the many members of the audience who talked about chiropractic and asked Dr.
Mancini to autograph their copy of his book.
I encourage you to watch this amazing interview which will be aired tomorrow on the following stations. Finally Chiropractic is being recognized in a big way.
All the best.
Dr. Norm
14TH, 2012
3pm BC Timezone
Shaw Channel CTV 9
Shaw Channel NBC 46
Shaw HD Channel NBC 202
Shaw HD Channel CTV 210
Bell Channel 225
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