One of the easiest metaphors for how your body works is using the safety pin analogy. If you look at the safety pin the top part represents your brain and the bottom part is your body (all your organs and muscles) and the metal pieces on the side represent your nerves that connect your brain to your body and your body to your brain. Your nerves form the mind body connection and also the body mind connection. When things are connected and functioning optimally you are in a state of health everything is 100%.

But as life happens we often face stresses, whether these be physical, mental, emotional or chemical and when these are more than your ability to handle your system short circuits. This short circuit is what we chiropractors call a subluxation. Imagine what would happen in your body if your brain was not communicating ideally with your body?

When I adjust you, the light contact that I make, helps to reconnect your brain to your body and your body to your brain, allowing you to integrate the energy, restoring proper communication. My job is to connect you, once you are connected your inner healer can correct you. Now what is possible if you were fully connected to the wisdom that lives within you.
Power on!
Dr. Norm and your team
of Health Warriors.
~~ A special invitation to you or anyone you know that may be pregnant - Dr. Norm will be offering a complimentary Pregnancy talk the following week Monday, Nov 21st following Laura's prenatal yoga class in the Old City Quarter.
Call for more details 250 740 0333
Upcoming Events
~~ See you next Tuesday, Nov 15th for our upcoming Health Essentials talk at the Lifehouse, 7 pm~~ A special invitation to you or anyone you know that may be pregnant - Dr. Norm will be offering a complimentary Pregnancy talk the following week Monday, Nov 21st following Laura's prenatal yoga class in the Old City Quarter.
Call for more details 250 740 0333
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