There are two different places we can come from when we are making changes in our lifestyle. One is a place of fear and motivation, the other is from a place of love and inspiration. Both are very important and both can be incredibly valuable vehicles of change.
For some people being motivated by fear is essential. They have left their health slide for years and years and now face eminent problems. If you are one of those people tune in and observe what your life has amounted to. Feel the imbalances in your body, the pains, and the tensions. Also notice the areas of disconnect. Imagine the blockages in your spine, the areas of subluxation and where your life force is being shut off. How bad does it have to get before you finally take action and do something about it? If you are not going to make changes now - when are you going to? What is it going to take to make yourself and your health a priority? If you don’t do anything about it what do you see happening? How will this affect your family, your friends, and your livelihood? How will other people view you and the life you are living? What things would you have to give up if they got any worse?
Now sit and be with your answers to these questions. Feel the energy inside. Feel the fear. Feel the sense of urgency. Tune into your body. Where is this energy in your body? Now amplify it. Intensify it. Double it. Now open your eyes. How can you use this energy to make the changes that you need to make in your life?
Another way to make change is to be inspired by love. As we evolve love becomes a much stronger force than fear. It is also a much healthier force. It brings us beyond the problems, beyond the danger into a life that is truly one that we desire. What is your desired life as it pertains to your health? How would it feel to be in your body that you love? What foods do you enjoy eating that your body loves as well? What would it feel like to be in a maxluxated body, one that is open, aligned and expressing your maximal life force? What would it be like to get adjusted for health optimization, where you don’t require symptom based-care but desire it because it is good for you?
Now sit and be with your answers to these questions. Feel the energy inside. Feel the love. Feel the sense of excitement. Tune into your body, where this energy in your body? Now amplify it. Intensify it. Double it. Now open your eyes. How can you use this energy to make the changes that you need to make in your life?
Being motivated by fear and being inspired by love are both very powerful. If you are ready to make change and want to take these practices to the next level, if you want to learn some very powerful tools to get more out of 2011, if you want to set up conditions in your life that will support you in the direction that you desire join us Saturday January 22nd.
Invest a morning with me and 20 others who will all bring you the encouragement, energy and wisdom needed to make this year your year for Outrageous Vitality.
Invest a morning with me and 20 others who will all bring you the encouragement, energy and wisdom needed to make this year your year for Outrageous Vitality.
Please join us next Sat 22nd
from 10 am – 1 pm at The Lifehouse.
Call to reserve your spot, space is limited 25.
Dr. Norm
Dr. Norm
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