Hello Lifehouse Community,
Things here on the home front are in a rapid state of transformation. We have hauled in over 2,000 pounds of quartz/mica rock, 8 yards of dirt and are busy working working like bees creating our next version of The Lifehouse. I look forward to introducing you soon to our inspiring space, just remember not this week, as we are closed for renovations.
We will be reopening next Monday April 29th for a regular week of adjusting.
This week we are also participating with the Body Soul and Spirit Expo downtown at the Conference Center. It looks to be a great weekend, international speakers, nice group of like-minded, inspiring people and of course some splendid exhibitors. Tickets are $15 per day or $35 for weekend. Here is the link if you would like more information.
Fri. April 26th - Sun. April28th ~ "Body Soul & Spirit" show at
the V.I. Conference Centre(101 Gordon Street)
Friday 3pm-9pm
Saturday 10am-7pm
Sunday 11am-6pm
Admission: $15.00 Weekend Pass:$35.00
Check out theLifehouse booth and a variety of lectures and workshops. There is also a couponavailable through email by clicking here http://bodysoulspiritexpo.com/expo/expo.php3?city=58
I also wanted to invite you to an exciting program we will be hosting starting May 15th. This will mark the start of our 3rd Annual Innate Intensive - a 30 day challenge, focusing on your connection to and harnessing the power of Innate in your lives. This year we are update the program to include SRI and a special workshop on the Triad of Change. Contact the office for more information 250-740-0333.
Wishing you all a fabulous week, and I hope that you get to see the sun, sounds like a good one.
Dr. Norm