Do you know what the two major regrets that most people have moments before their death are? They wish they had spent more time with their family and the second…..they wish they had taken better care of their health. For most people health is not a huge priority until they lose it. Don’t you think it is a little too late to realize this? Know that health is a process and it is a result of the life and lifestyle you have lived up until now.
A couple of weeks ago we mourned the loss of one of the world’s elite creative minds in Steve Jobs. Mr. Jobs was well known for his ingenuity, forward thinking and radical creativity. We all have been touched in one way or another by the life of this man. Personally I have so much to thank Steve for. During my reflection time appreciating his life I also stopped to ponder if he had led a life similar to the majority of people. Did he too wish that he had taken better care of his health? At just age 56 Mr. Jobs had accumulated a wealth of over 6.3 billion dollars and had created a legacy that would live forever. And yet with all that money and all that success he was left without his health, one of the few things that money can’t buy.

So whether you are a CEO, a hockey player, a home maker or a baker, know that your health is your greatest asset. Without it you are nothing. With it you have the ability to do what your heart dreams of. Please don’t wait till the end to realize this. Begin now, invest in it. You will find like all good investments the more you put in the more you will get out of it.
Yours in
successful living.
Dr. Norm and his team
~~~~~~~~~~~ Lifehouse Events ~~~~~~~~~~~
"Be Aware of the Dark" Oct 24-Oct 31, 2011 - prizes, snacks, fun
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 ~ Health Essentials Talk - 7 pm at the studio
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 ~ Advanced Somato Respiratory Integration - 7-10 pm, $30 registration
Call to reserve your seats - 250 -740-0333