Nanaimo Chiropractors

Welcome to the Nanaimo Chiropractors blog of The Lifehouse Chiropractic Studio and Dr. Norm Detillieux, Chiropractor in Nanaimo, BC

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lift 2011 Road-Trip with Dr. Norm, Heather & Melanie...

Lift 2011 - Elevating Your Health and inspiring Change - with Dr. Arno Burnier

Internationally renowned health and wellness expert Dr. Arno Burnier will be sharing an inspiring talk that will propel you to a life of greater health, vitality and meaning.

He will share time-tested principles to:
DISCOVER the keys to vibrant health and longevity.
EMPOWER yourself to live at your best.
TRANSFORM your life by taking inspired action.

Dr. Burnier will ONLY be speaking in Vancouver (Convention Centre)... and we're not going to let that stop us from hearing his Inspiring Message in person.  This will be an amazing journey filled with wisdom, inspiration and community.

Event details: Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 at 7:30pm.  

We will be meeting at the Lifehouse at 2:15,
boarding the 3 pm ferry and returning later that evening
on the 10:45 ferry from Tsawwassen. 
Car ride and car sharing will be organized. 

$30 Tickets are available at The Lifehouse Chiropractic Studio,
call 250 740 0333 to save your seat.

This event will sell out. Get your tickets now!

Dr. Arno on
Innate Intelligence -

Self Mastery -

Boo's Story -


Friday, September 16, 2011

Time to Take a Stand ~ The Beacon for September 16, 2011

“Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand
and what to stand for-
because unless we stand for something
we shall fall for anything.”   
~Peter Marshall

Right now the very foundation of which Chiropractic stands and has been built upon is being threatened.  The Chiropractic Council on Education which oversees the accreditation of programs and institutions offering the Doctor of Chiropractic Degree has progressively taken steps to change the way chiropractic is both taught and practiced around the world.  For you, the general public this would mean that you could see chiropractors who are able to prescribe drugs and do minor surgeries but not be able to adjust subluxations!  

The very roots on which our profession was created are being attacked.  The world does not need chiropractors to prescribe medication nor perform surgery; there is a well educated group of people already specializing in this.  The world needs chiropractors to do what they do best and that is to adjust subluxations, the interferences in your nervous system caused by stress.  If you value your right to receive pure chiropractic I encourage you to take action and sign one of our petitions at our office or by visiting
CCE Complaint Petition

The petition reads:

To Whom it May Concern:

I have received chiropractic adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations in my spine.

I am filing a complaint with the US Department of Education against the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) for not upholding freedom of philosophical, curriculum and political orientation as per the foreword of CCE Accreditation Standards.

Due to recent changes in the CCE Standards in regards to removing subluxation and reference to “without drugs or surgery,” I am concerned that chiropractic care for the correction of vertebral subluxation will not be available to my children or grand-children.

If I want medical care, I have access to my medical doctor. I choose chiropractic because I want a natural approach to health and healing.
Chiropractic has existed because of its separate and distinct philosophy and application of its healing art. It is my belief that this difference is crucial for myself and future generations to have access to and that the CCE, by making changes to their Standards, is jeopardizing the future of this type of care.
Thank you for registering my complaint.

We, the undersigned, certify that we have read the preceding document and agree fully with the statements contained within.

Print out the following pdf, gather friends, family, co-workers who know the benefit of chiropractic to sign and fax in or drop off at the Lifehouse to submit on your behalf.

CCE Client Petition pdf

The vision of BJ Palmer, the developer of chiropractic, is not to have a mousetrap of sickness and disease. Chiropractic is about transforming the consciousness of humanity to a completely different paradigm. It is beginning to reveal itself to a small section of society that are connected spiritually, that are open minded and see the bigger picture with frequently and active, the ‘movers and shakers’. It’s important we all have a deeper understanding, a whole new concept, out of a crisis model and into a life model, a proactive model (one that has long term viability and sustainability).
I thank you for your efforts in supporting the cause that will ensure the right of every man woman and child the opportunity to receive pure chiropractic now and into the future.
Gratefully yours,

Dr. Norm

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Are You Committed?" ~ The Beacon for September 8, 2011

This past month marked a huge breakthrough for me around commitment.   I unearthed a subconscious pattern that stemmed from my childhood that had engrained in me a resistance and defiance towards commitment.  Once I connected with this pattern and found gratitude for the gifts it offered through my journey the pattern transformed before my eyes.  The way I was behaving towards commitment changed, even the way I looked at life changed. I would love to share more about what I am learning.

These patterns were evident in many areas and one that was easy to see was my morning exercise routine.  Before, my commitment wobbled with both my internal and external experiences.  I was more committed to how I “felt” about things than actually “following through” on my commitments.  Some mornings I would awake basking in the enjoyment of holding Heather, so I did, which often lasted through my scheduled running time.  Other days I would get outside and then convince myself that walking would be better for me as it would give me a chance to take in all the beauty around me, changing my mind and allowing myself to flip flop daily.  This had many ill effects as it would translate into me feeling like I let myself down, I felt behind and pressured for time in the mornings, and it created a lack of trust in some of those around me as I was so often changing my mind.

With the new found breakthroughs I am a different man.  I am not denying my heart, I am using my heart to define my commitments, and once my commitments are in place now I am following through on them.  My life has taken on a much bigger commitment than just my moment to moment feelings and situations.  It is like the rudder of my ship has grown in size and strength and the captain knows just where to go regardless of the weather patterns and regardless of how he feels that day. 

Commitment is paramount to all of us achieving what we want.  I am always curious working with my clients, how some people achieve such great results and others quit after just a visit or two having achieved very little.  The difference isn’t me.  The difference is in them and the difference is their commitment.  Let’s face it we all are going to face some obstacles in life, whether they are internal or external, this part is inevitable, who we are facing these obstacles is where we have choice and it is this that defines our life.  Many people don’t realize that they are bigger than their feelings, that they are bigger than their problems, that they have resources to make change in their life.  They can make more money to do the things they want in life, or say “no” to those things that are not ultimately serving them.  Know that you can say “no” to the obligations you have stumbled into that really don’t serve you.  If you can’t say a powerful “No”, you won’t be able to make a powerful “Yes”.  Know that you are the architect of your life.  You can create your life the way you want to.

And I leave you with this following poem......

Until next time, let your commitments and “you” be bigger than all the rest.

Dr. Norm

Until one is committed
There is hesitancy, the chance to draw back
Always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative (and Creation)
There is one elementary truth
The ignorance which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
That the moment that one definitely commits ones self
Then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
That would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision
Raising in one’s favor all manner
Of unforeseen incidents and meetings
And material substance
Which no one could have dreamt
Would have come your way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
~ Goethe


Check out Dr. Norm's Optimal Health Essentials -
a series of conscious concepts to help you radically empower you & your life.

Chapter 11 - Common Health Myth #1
Chapter 12 - Common Health Myth #2