No one who lives in fear is really alive.1
The following is an outline of my recent revelations about love. I am writing this to you from
my heart. I am doing this, not to tell you what or how to think, for I
understand that when dealing with the infinite this is impossible. I
am doing this, rather to empower you to realize the possible blockages
that you may have in expressing what is yours to express. First we
must understand that there are universal truths. Love is infinite.
This is a universal truth. The more pure and natural our perceptions
are, the closer we come to fully understanding and accepting this
truth. At the core of ourselves is the infinite. Filters, created by
fear, encircle this core, limiting us and our perceptions. The
infinite is always there and is always perfect. Fear acts not by
destroying love but by reducing our awareness of its abundance.
Nothing real can be threatened Nothing unreal exists.2

is infinite. Love is the infinite. It is the basis for life. It is
the reason why life was created. Universal intelligence is the
intelligence that organizes the cosmos. It is this intelligence that
allows love to exist. Universal intelligence manifests in man as
innate. Innate is the intelligence that governs over the physical
being. The expression of innate thru matter produces force. Force
produces motion, which is essential for life. There are many forces
that innate creates, however most forces that we are comfortable
understanding are universal forces. Examples of these are molecular,
gravitational and electromagnetic forces. Although these are present in
living beings, these are not innate forces. The difference is that
these forces are destructive in nature and have no properties unique
to life. On the other hand, innate forces are constructive. They
support life. Innate forces have been called: chi, vital, prana,
pneuma, anima and elan. These forces give life its uniqueness.
essence love is an innate force too. Love is constructive. Love is
life. Love is the infinite that exists inside all of us. It is to be
received but most importantly it is to be given. Fear limits our
expression of love. Fear is created by our ego mind. Ego is that part
of us that is in denial of the infinite. Fear is essentially the
denial of self. It creates a feeling of inadequacy. It produces a
scarcity belief, from which only error can develop. Love, on the other
hand, is truth and truth is always abundant.
Every action taken by human beings is based in love or fear.
Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms.
Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals.
wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked Fear
clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have
away. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go.
Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.
human thought, word, or deed is based in one emotion or the other.
You have no choice about this, because there is nothing else from
which to choose. But you have free choice about which of these to
Man's natural inheritance is love. We
all were born with an unlimited potential to express the infinite.
Love cannot be controlled, contorted, mimicked, or destroyed. Love
simply is. The acceptance of this is humility. Humility removes fear
and allows us to be who we are. We cannot will ourselves to love, as
ego is what creates fear. Only humility can release fear, as it is
only spirit that posses the infinite.
Love is a
mystery that cannot be approached through will; it responds most
generously to humbled souls. In some unexplainable way, it seems to
grace us when it is ready.4
To release us from
our fear requires forgiveness. Forgiveness is only correction.
Forgiveness with judgment is empty, as judgment is fear itself.
Forgiveness is acceptance of what is. Forgiveness allows us to let go of
our judgments, which releases us to our infinite.
go. Release yourself. Release yourself to what you already are and
enter the realm of abundance. For you are already abundant. For you
are the infinite.
Love and Light,
Dr. Norm Detillieux
1, 2
A Course in Miracles
Conversations With God, Book 1;
Neale Donald Walsch
Marianne Williamson
Check out our new YouTube Channel Video - Part 8 - "The Benefits of Adjusting Children" of Dr. Norm's Optimal Health Essentials