By now I am sure you have found yourself in full
stride of the holiday season. I am always amazed this time of year just
how tense people’s spines feel. Without a doubt this is the most
stressful time of year for many. It is not surprising when you consider
that most people cram 4 weeks of work into 3, and then for the final week we
are encouraged to eat and drink indulgently, socialize excessively and abandon
our normal rhythms and healthy practices.
This year I encourage you to keep your health and wellbeing a focus.
Below you will find some simple tips to have your holidays not only joy filled
but also healthy. All the best!
Watch your breathing. Most of us don't breathe enough normally; we take
shallow breaths and deprive ourselves of oxygen. Add stress to that and we can
even become light-headed. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and take 10
deep breaths. Inhale slowly and exhale more slowly. You'll be amazed at how
relaxed you will feel!
Watch alcohol and food intake. Just because it is
offered to you doesn’t mean you need to partake in it. And if you do have
one - enjoy it; enjoy it so fully that you may not need a second, third or
fourth. There is nothing wrong with a small amount of alcohol, sweets, or
rich foods; it is when we indulge in gluttonous behaviours that take us half of
January to finish digesting what we ate for Christmas dinner that is a
problem. Moderation is key or consider upgrading your choices to:
Indulge in healthy treats. It is the season for indulging - how
about indulging in a nice bag of organic nuts, dried fruit or some other exotic
food that you really enjoy that your body would also enjoy (and thank you for).
Make sure you have some quiet, alone time scheduled. The social demands of
holiday seasons are high. We are required to interact more with family,
co-workers, etc. That can be very tiring, especially if socializing causes you
anxiety. Factor in some down-time.
Plan one fun event just for you. You probably spend much time and
effort insuring others are taken care of and entertained this season. Remember
to treat yourself - get a manicure, go to a heated driving range, babysit a
friend's new puppy or read that new best-seller you've just received.
Connect with family to watch a favourite holiday movie or show. Pull your
family together, laugh, cry, and fill your hearts up with love. The
holiday season is such a valuable time
to nourish family connections.
Get some exercise. Most usual exercise routines get abandoned this time of year. We are
full of excuses. But exercise is a terrific stress-buster and it is a terrific
way to burn off and move through last night’s cream cheese surprises or sweat
out the extra Caesar you drank. During this time of year we typically
have a little extra down time which is just begging to be filled with walks, a
yoga class, or a run. You will feel so much better for it.
Get enough rest. This is a wonderful time of year to nourish your body with a
little extra rest. It’s okay to call it a night before the rest of
the party, to sleep in a little extra, or to enjoy an afternoon nap. I
dare you J
Be conscious. Be aware of yourself; don’t turn your brain off. When you
reach for the next treat, pause and ask yourself is this really what I want
(Consider the question – Is this going to clog me or cleanse me?) If you
do eat it, track yourself afterward in how it makes you feel 10 minutes or an
hour later. This year I have been blown away with how little I enjoy
holiday treats. Sure they taste great (for the two minutes I am chewing
on them) but after that I am left with 60 minutes of dissatisfaction as my
energy gets all wonky and I have a hard time focusing on anything.
Give healthy gifts. Do they really need another box of chocolate? Instead, how
about giving them a yoga DVD or a bag of organic fruit or nuts? These can
be a very welcomed gift at this time of year. Or share our "Gift of
Health" certificate (print the attached below) - to introduce your friend,
co-worker, family member or neighbour to chiropractic and have their nerve
system checked for interference. You`ll never know the long-term difference you
can make by inspiring someone to make their health and wellbeing a priority. And
what better time to start then now and carry forward into 2012!
Remember being healthy doesn’t mean that you can`t still have fun. Quite
the opposite. You can have tonnes of fun and be healthy at the same
time. It just takes breaking some old habits and being creative.
Good luck!
Dr. Norm and his healthy crusaders.
P.S. Our voice matters. For the last
two months we have been busy collecting names and petitioning for `Restore
the Integrity to the CCE` for their attempts in changing chiropractic, earlier
this week a hearing was held and found 41 violations that the CCE has to
address! For the first time in decades the CCE is being faced to be
accountable to the profession and to the general public. Your voice
matters! Thanks again for your support!